Spirit bear book facts

As edwin explains to cole in the book, they are a special kind of american black bear. Now, spirit bears are a real species, also known as kermode bear. It is the worlds largest intact temperate rainforest. Spirit bear facts province of british columbia news archive. His presence on the island is almost mythical since spirit bears are supposed to live somewhere southeast of the island. In his napra nautilus awardwinning novel touching spirit bear, author ben mikaelson delivers a poignant comingofage story of a boy who must overcome the. Photographer paul nicklen tests his patience in an effort to capture the rare spirit bear a potential key to saving a pristine corner of british columbia.

Hes unrepentant and even though he is facing serious jail time, his kindly parole officer, a man named garvey, gets him into this native american justice program called circle justice. One day, when he sees the bear, he stabs it with his knife and a makeshift spear. In his napra nautilus awardwinning novel touching spirit bear, author ben mikaelson delivers a poignant comingofage story of a boy who must overcome the effects that violence has had on his life. I have read the book, and the spirit bear appears in all different parts of the story, which adding them all up, the spirit bear appears in the book about 47 times total. Neither albino nor polar bear, the spirit bear also known as the kermode bear is. Touching spirit bear summary cole matthews is a teenage delinquent whos in big trouble for beating up a kid named peter driscal. This middle grade novel is an excellent choice for tween readers in grades 5 to 6, especially during homeschooling. Check out the first ever book written on the white spirit bear written by the venerable tess tessier. He taught me to be gentle and that i, too, am part of. Spirit bears are found only in the great bear rainforest, a 6. Neither albino nor polar bear, the spirit bear also known as the kermode bear is a white variant of the north american black bear, and its found almost exclusively here in the great bear. In this lesson we explore the unique genre of ben mikaelsens.

Although an animal, the spirit bear is a truly central character in this novel. Spirit bears are rare black bears with white or creamy fur, brown eyes, dark nose pads, and nearly white claws. He will live either behind bars or in isolation for one year. At the beginning of the novel, cole matthews, a fifteenyearold. Spirit bear and great bear rainforest books white spirit bear by gramma tess. They eat berries, nuts, fruits, roots, grasses and other plants, insects, deer and moose fawns. In its most simple definition, touching spirit bear is considered realistic fiction. Garvey says its pronounced like a towel without the l. This book tells the story of the unusual and beautiful creatures that inhabit ancient rainforests on the northwest coast of british columbia. Rescue josh mcguire, hyperion books for children, 1991.

The book explores the folklore and beliefs of native american people. When he leaves a bear cub motherless on a hunting trip, josh is forced to hide out in the mountains to protect the cub. They share the same characteristics as other black bears except that they have white or creamy fur, brown eyes, dark nose pads, and nearly white claws. On the central coast of british columbia in the great bear rainforest, there lives a creature of legend. Touching spirit bear story setting author ben mikaelsen. Dedication this book is dedicated to buffy, a sevenhundredpound black bear who has become my own spirit bear. Discover what turns a black bear white and 10 more amazing facts about the spirit bear, also known as the ghost bear or the kermode bear. The kermode or spirit bear is a black bear that has white fur due to a rare genetic trait. So if you want to see a spirit bear, youd better go to canada. What is the book touching spirit bear all about answers.

Joshs father uses alcohol to deal with the death of his oldest son. Scientists estimate there are 1,200 black and white kermode bears in the coast area that stretches from around the northern tip of vancouver island northwards to the alaska panhandle. Most spirit bears live on princess royal and gribbell islands along the. Touching spirit bear study guide contains a biography of ben mikaelsen. In his first few days on the island, he has several encounters with a majestic, white bear called a spirit bear, and he is determined to kill it out of anger. The kermode bear, known as the spirit bear is a rare white furred. However, he is plagued by the fact that he has not yet seen the spirit bear again. However, cole repeatedly sees the bear in his first few days on the island. Spirit bears are easily recognized by their white fur, but, contrary to common belief, theyre not albinostheyre actually a rare subspecies of the black bear, born with a genetic mutation that gives them white coats. Because it is not a true story, the novel is typical fiction, and because the events of the novel could happen. Kermode bears are found on coastal islands in british columbia, canada. Its the same genetic mutation that gives humans red hair.

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